
Pubg tournament app aia file -फ्री में डाउनलोड करे

Pubg tournament app aia file -फ्री में डाउनलोड करे

APP NAME:- Battle World
Aia file name:- pubg tournament aia file
Platform:-  Kodular

Pubg tournament aia file :- 

Friends in this video I have shown you step by step how to download pubg tournament aia. Watch this video first.

pubg tournament aia file with admin 
pubg tournament app aia file
pubg tournament app aia file in kodular

Friends, you must have seen many videos on YouTube which give you paid files but in this video, I have given you a free pub tournament file, from which any of you can download the file.


1. Symbol 

2. Splash Screen 

3. Login and Signup 

4. Host 5 matches at a time Dynamically 

5. Paytm Gateway And UPI Payment

6. Spectate Mode 

7. Show results of Website 

8. Match Rules 

9. Show Participants 

10. Refer and Earn System 

11. OTP Verification System 

12. Show Played Matches, Winning Amount, and Total Kills

13. Client care 

14. Offer App and About Us 

15. Update My Profile 

16. Wallet ( add or Withdraw cash ) 

17. Add Money with UPI and Paytm 

18. Pull out Money with Paytm and UPI 

19. Administrator Panel 

20. Associated with firebase

pubg tournament aia file, pubg tournament app aia file in kodular

Guys, you can download this pub tournament application file for free, import it to your kodular account and create an application and publish it in different app stores and you can earn a lot.

So guys you guys how to download this pubg tournament app and in this app video I have shown which screen you have to watch a youtube video I also showed you how to edit and download the pubg tournament app. 

👇Battle World AIA & JSON File👇

pubg tournament aia file, free aia
pubg tournament with admin,
pubg tournament app aia file,
pubg tournament app aia file in kodular
pubg tournament aia file with admin

1 comment

  1. Unknown
    bro where is admin app